Friday, June 7, 2013

More Picts Home Again

Debi had to see Winter from the movie Dolphin Tail. The Clearwater Marine Aquarium where the movie was filmed is within walking distance from the boat.
My friend Horace with a nice King Mackerel, one of many that we caught.
The intercoastal waterway north of ApalachicolaFirst dock party at Panama City Marina Until next Year!!!

Home Again!

All great things come to an end and so on May 7th we started the 917mile trip home to Panama City. We've had another winter of shorts,t-shirts and sandles which was the plan. We have enjoyed the adventure although Debi would say she had a couple of passages that went beyond adventure to ordeal. We definately have again met very interesting people from all sorts of backgrounds
The crew tied in and ready for anything!!
      A ship that didn't make it through the Whale channel that we had to go through.            
Land Ho Lake Worth and back to US soil and cell phones with unlimited service---                          
Dinner with Fred and Annette Linder. She helped make it all possible by consulting me while in my dental practice. The cheese burger that almost got away. Just happened to be Debi's but she was a good sport, must have been the beer!
The Island Packet factory and our friends from Island Spirit