My Able Crew Off Shift |
Well we finally left the Abaco's with two other boats, CasaDee & Missing Link. We spent the night together at Great Sale Key and then we left for West End, they went to the northern edge of Little Bahama Bank to stage for their Crossing. When we got to Old Bahama Marina at West End and were about 10' from the slip I discovered that I had lost forward and reverse. Debi threw a perfect line toss to the dock hand and he pulled True North into her slip. Quite a tense moment but we were thankful that it didn't happen anywhere else as it could have been much more of a problem. One of the motor mounts had loosened and that wiggled all four bolts coupling the transmission to the prop. After about three hours of aligning the engine and putting the bolts together we were ready to make the crossing of the gulf stream the next day. We had a great crossing, which was our first one with just Debi and me. Oh I forgot that Lucy our First Mate boat dog was with us as well.
Lucy has her eyes on the controls during her watch! |
Congrats on the crossing, you two are ocean sailors now! I am proud of you and I love the blog...