Friday, April 5, 2013


Our friend Horace flew to Miami and helped us cross over to Nassau where we picked up his wife Karen. The biggest problem with setting up Karen's vacation is that she must do it 6 weeks in advance. This poses a problem for us meeting a deadline but we had a weeks leeway built into the schedule to allow for weather and we made it. There are times when we've had to wait a month for the right weather window to make the gulf stream crossing to the Bahamas.
True North crossing the Gulf Stream on a Great Day!
We landed at Bimini Bahamas after about a 50 mile trip in light swell and beautiful skies. After a couple of days looking for sea glass we did a 23hr overnight to Nassau. Lucy was a champ but she wouldn't use her potty pad so she was really glad to see land. We had an interesting time going into Nassau harbour. It was the closest I've come to being run over by a cruise ship. He called me to get out of the way.

This big guy was right behind me coming into Nassau!

The fountain at the entrance to Atlantis
Jelly fish at the Atlantis Aquarium

Our goal was to get Horace & Karen to Staniel Cay in time for a flight back to the states so we headed to the Exumas after just two days in Nassau.
We landed at Hawksbill on a really nice beach but the anchorage was really rolly that night.

Lucy's favorite part of the trip is the beaches

This is the whale skeleton at Warderick Wells in the Exuma park. It died because of a plastic bag.

Karen with some pretty Exuma water in the background
The swimming pigs at Staniel Cay. This one actually tried to join these girls in the kayak
Snorkeling inside Thunderball Grotto where a OO7 movie scene was filmed.
Well we made it and they're on their way to the states.
Now it's just the two of us on our way to the island of Elutheria, a place we haven't been before!!

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